keskiviikko 8. heinäkuuta 2015

Three poems in Interlingua

This time I present you three of my poems translated in Interlingua, one of the many constructed languages. I have translated two of them and Stanley A. Mulaik1 has kindly translated one. He also helped me with two other poems. If they include any mistakes the blame falls on me. It is said that people who speak any of those Romance languages could understand Interlingua without difficulties and English speakers after a little while. I do hope that you don’t jump to the end of this post where I placed the English versions of my poems but try to understand on your own. Your comments are very welcome so that I could consider whether it’s a good idea to keep on studying Interlingua.

Un sonio que se realisa

Si le vita esseva un sonio
que se vermente realisa,
necuno necessitarea
fabulas con felice
© Yelling Rosa
14/11 –14


poema es nihil
que on pote comprender
ma in toto
perciper con
le sensos.
© Yelling Rosa
27/6 –15


Multes pote dicer que io es vacue
Proque io non face versos emotional
Del passion, le pelle e le corde de amor
Saltante felicemente de stagno a stagno
como un rana rosate e impatiente.
Mais al contrario: io es plen,
Plen del dolor que le romances
Non vide in iste mundo.
Si io scribeva un parola
De mi calide affaire de amor,
Io vomitarea le alimento,
a partir de mi ventre,
Un cosa que tote
De nos non pote facer.
© Per Yelling Rosa
© Traducite al interlingua per Stanley Mulaik

1 Read more about Stanley A. Mulaik here.
2 Further information on Interlingua:
Interlingua Grammar” by Alexander Gode and Hugh Blair, 1951. It’s free and you find it at:

A Dream Come True

If life were a dream come true,
we wouldn't need the fairy tales
with the happy endings.
© Yelling Rosa
14/11 -14


Poem is nothing
To be understood
But everything
To feel with
© Yelling Rosa
27/6 -15


Many may say I am empty
Because I don’t draw emotional verses
Of passion, skin and the heart in love
Jumping happily from pond to pond
Like a pink and impatient frog.
But on the contrary: I am full,
Full of the pain that romances
Don’t see in this world.
If I wrote one word
Of my hot love affair
I’d vomit the food,
out of my belly,
A thing that all
Of us can't do.
© Yelling Rosa
23/5 -15

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