tiistai 13. syyskuuta 2016


Ei kuolema

tule ja koputa

sydämesi ovea.

Se on omatuntosi,

joka väärin perustein

on tuomittu murhaajaksi.

Sillä totuus on se,

että tuhoamalla

se tappaisi


©Yelling Rosa

13/9 –16

Kuolema 005 Yelling Rosa 2016 pienempi


Does not come and

Knock on the door of your heart.

It has always lived within you 

But one day you have to continue

Without it.

It is your inner voice,

Which is in vain misjudged

And accused of being the end of life.

The truth, however,

Is that if it put an end to life

It would kill himself.

©Yelling Rosa

13/9 -16

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